Owen Miller

Owen Miller

Owen developed a love for the written and spoken word at the age of twelve. Enchanted by the ability of skillfully crafted words to paint vivid, inescapable, and unmistakable pictures in ones mind, Owen thought that a career in writing would one day be a rewarding and worthwhile pursuit. As in the case of many, upon becoming an adult, his dreams got crowded out by the subsequent challenges and responsibilities of life. At his wits end, in seeking to cope with the pain of a tragic situation, Owen turned to acting as therapy; as an absolute last resort. He thought perhaps this could be a favorable means to deal with the range of negative emotions that were now a constant companion. He had no reason to believe that he would be fond of acting; he just needed the pain gone. It worked. But, not only did it work, he found himself hooked. His talent, passion, and love for the craft are unquestionable. He has shared the screen with the likes of Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Andy Garcia, David Caruso, Sharon Gless, Gary Dourdan, Antoni Corone, Marc Macaulay, Mario Van Peebles, Brian Dennehy, Glenn Plummer, and numerous others. His love for writing lead to the collaboration with friend and writer Eddie Lingo Jr. in the completion of four provocative and well received screenplays: "Vessel", "Death by 12", "Check Mate" and "Victim", with more to follow. One of his most recent acknowledgements came in August of 2018 where he won the prestigious and coveted "Best Actor" award in the LA Shorts International Film Festival. In the provocative, captivating, and mesmerizing film "Marcus", Owen played two rather different characters, delivering a performance that was aptly described by OC Movie Reviews as "exceptional"; The Independent Critic recalled his performance as "thoughtful, nuanced, and stellar". .
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